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Monday 5 November 2018

Selenium L1 Trend Next MCQ part 4

Selenium L1 MCQ 31 to 40

Assert and Verify are used for

"Validating the elements that are available on the application 
under test"
Validating the elements only on the current page.
It is not used for validating.
None of the above

The following is used to add the assert or verify to the test

Selenium IDE
Context Menu
Slider bar
Base Url tab

How do you start Selenium RC?

Start Selenium RC Server
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version-number>.jar
Start RC
None of the above

How do you identify an object in Selenium?

HTML code
DOM with firebug

Which are the annotations generated with JUnit 4 tests in Selenium IDE?

@Before public void method()
@Test public void method()
@After public void method()
All of the above

How to start selenium rc server with user extensions?
java -jar selenium-server.jar user-extensions.js
java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions.js
java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js
Start SeleniumServer User-extensions.js

How to run Selenium IDE test suite with user extensions using Selenium Remote Control?

"java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js -htmlSuite ""*<browser>""
""<Selenium test suite file>"" ""<results log file>"" -timeout <millise>
"java -jar selenium-server.jar  user-extensions.js -htmlSuite ""*<browser>""
""<base URL>"" ""<Selenium test suite file>"" ""<results log file>"" -timeout <millise>
"java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js -htmlSuite ""*<browser>"" ""<base URL>"" ""<Selenium test suite file>"" ""<results log file>"" -timeout <millise>
"java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js -htmlSuite ""*<browser>""
""<base URL>"" ""<Selenium test suite file>"" ""<results log file>"" -timeout <millise>"

If the default port of selenium is busy then which port you use?

We need to stop till the port gets free
Need to create our own port from where the script runs
Need to define our own port as java -jar SeleniumServer.jar -port 1111
None of the above

When to use proxy injection mode?

When we run the script in the browser where we recorded the test
When we need to activate the proxy for the browser In which the application is open
To inject the proxy for the browser
Used when the script is recorded in one browser and we need to run in some other browser.

Silver light application testing is possible in following type of selenium?

Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Remote Control
Selenium Grid
Selenium IDE

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